
Snow Shoveling Tips To Protect Your Heart
Saturday, January 4, 2025

(INDIANAPOLIS) – It’s winter and that means snow will be falling around the area for the next few months.

With snow predicted to fall across large portions of the area this weekend, the American Heart Association encourages everyone to protect their hearts while shoveling snow and to seek immediate treatment if they experience any signs or symptoms of a heart attack.

Research shows that many people may face an increased risk of a heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest after shoveling heavy snow.

Dr. William Gill, a cardiologist and President of the American Heart Association Board of Directors in Indianapolis, says shoveling snow can be a very vigorous activity, and you’re basically doing it in a freezer. Gill says those conditions can very quickly lead to stress on the heart.

To help make snow removal safer, the American Heart Association suggests the following tips: Give yourself frequent rest breaks while shoveling snow; Don’t eat a heavy meal prior to or soon after shoveling; Use a small shovel or consider a snow thrower; Learn the heart attack warning signs and listen to your body; Don’t drink alcoholic beverages before or immediately after shoveling; and Beware the dangers of hypothermia.